Education Background

When the basic needs of human beings are met, they begin to think of higher pursuits. The same feeling led the promoters of the school to start on this educational venture. They felt that there was a dearth of quality schools comparable with good schools in the developed countries that provided excellent service at an affordable cost. With a spirit to provide a global infrastructure, the best in academia and the greatest depth in the inward journey, the promoters have established this school where East meets West.

In the process of such education the parents have a great role to play. Children imitate their elders and try to behave just like them – they learn more from what we do than from what we say. Therefore, we should be careful in our behaviour, actions and speech, particularly in the presence of children. It is also advisable to encourage the child to develop a positive attitude in life by giving him success-experience. Another joint effort of home and school should be to hook the child on to reading. Let the child learn to read, and then he will read to learn.

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